Let's Get Moving!
From 18 months until the age of 3, our Parent/Child classes promote early development and provide a strong foundation for your child’s critical first three years. Weekly classes will help your child achieve new milestones and prepare for more advanced challenges during each stage of growth.
Research shows that physical activity builds neural pathways—the connections by which information travels through the brain.
Let's Do It!
This program is a fun and exciting class that focuses on fitness, coordination, and strength, while developing motor skills, agility, and flexibility. We utilize a combination of gymnastics, sensory, and play activities specifically designed to develop motor skills and strengthen bodies. Our gym features bars, balance beams, tumbling floor, and tons of essential gymnastics mats. Each class is custom designed so our children are comfortable learning at his or her own ability. Our positive approach to instruction helps our children gain confidence and self-esteem, while creating an opportunity for peer interaction.
Let's Go!
A structured class that utilizes exciting ways to learn and master core gymnastics and motor developmental skills with the guidance of the instructors. Our well-developed curriculum focuses on the introduction and perfection of new skills each week in addition to the skills learned in the previous weeks. This age group does line tumbling in which they work on skills on the ground as well as the skills on the equipment in which they independently take on new obstacle courses full of fun and challenging gymnastics skills. Our students advance through progressions at the level in which is comfortable to them.
Please note that tuition fees are monthly
Tuition is billed at a flat monthly rate (full month ranges 3-5 classes). All tuition will be charged to your credit card or checking account on file on the 1st of the month. Any changes to automatic payment methods must be completed (1) day prior to payment due date via online or by calling RKC.
Registration Fee: A Yearly Registration of $54.99 per student (valid 12 months) will be applied to all accounts. A valid credit cared or bank account is required. Upon registering you will be provided access to a private, secure customer portal to view your account.
Payment Policy: Payments are due by the 1st or 15th of the month according to the Payment Schedule. Tuition is billed at a flat monthly rate (full month ranges 3-5 classes). All tuition will be charged to your credit card or checking account on file on the 1st of the month. Any changes to automatic payment methods must be completed (1) day prior to payment due date via online or by calling RKC.
Decline Fees/Late Fees/Return Check Fees: All accounts that have invalid Credit Cards on file will be charged a Decline Fee of $15 on the billing due date. All outstanding balances beyond the due date will incur an additional $30 late fee after the 5th day. Outstanding accounts beyond (30) days will be turned over to a private collection service and the customer will be held responsible for all additional collection costs. Returned checks will result in an automatic $30 fee to the customers account.
Missed Classes/Make-ups: Regular class attendance is suggested to maintain continued development in our programs. Due to class ratio and class conformity issues, RKC does not offer make up classes during another class. Make-ups are only afforded to children who missed class due to illness, injury, funeral or school obligation. Please contact the Program Director to schedule your make-up.
Classes: Classes will start and end on time. Do not drop students off more than 15 minutes in advance unless prior arrangements have been made and must wait in the cafeteria until classes begin. Additionally, students who arrive 15 minutes past the start time of class will be unable to participate. Please pick your child up on time.
Valuables: Valuable items should not be brought to the facility. RKC will not be held responsible for any items lost or stolen. Please check to make sure you have all of your child's belongings before you leave the gym.
Visitors: All visitors should sit in designated areas. Please supervise siblings who are observing classes. Under no cirmcumstances are children or parents who are not participating allowed on the gym floor.
Student Behavior During Class: Students being disruptive will be taken out of class. Our motto: Safety first!!
Withdrawals: RKC maintains a (12) month schedule. If you are planning to leave for any reason, we need to receive an electronic withdrawal request via email to (15) prior to the beginning of the upcoming month.